Cynthia’s Diary – February 10 – 23, 1946


10 Sunday

Maurie came again.  Johnny and I went to Stockland Hotel in evening.  Malcolm wouldn’t come.

11 Monday

Auntie Elsie came into town with us.  Had ice in Lewis.  She went to see old ladies.  We went to see Daddy and Auntie Sis etc.  Then went to show.  Saw “A Thousand and One Nights” at Gaumont.  Had supper and went home after having drinks.

12 Tuesday

Tried to book seats at Hippodrome to see Hot Ice, impossible.  Elsie gave us £1.  Had tea Gaumont, then drinks then went to Stockland for more drinks.

13 WednesdayGaumont Theatre Birmingham

Got up early and caught 9 o’clock train.  Floods had subsided.  Got into London early.  Had drinks in Bear and Staff.  Lots of stage and screen people in there.

14 Thursday

Went to Leicester Square Theatre.  Saw George Brent in The Spiral Staircase.  Had lunch etc.  Got train 5:30 to Guildford.  Had drinks and supper.  Went to Onslow, then to show.  Saw Humphrey Bogart in Conflict.  I was sick.

15 Friday

Went to show.  It’s nice having Johnny around the house.  Hand still in bandage.

16 Saturday

Did not go to dance.  Had drink at 3 Horseshoes.  No fish and chips.

17 Sunday

Did not go to show as I’d seen one of the films.  Johnny took photo of me in the Garden.  Left on last bus.

18 Monday

Johnny came round, brought Ace.  Elaine came too.  Had supper then, curse it, he had to go back to camp, as he has to go up to the Hospital early about hand.

19 Tuesday

Went to Ewhurst with Wendy to watch her dancing.  While I was out, Johnny phoned, the poor darling’s hand is broken, so he has to go to the hospital and probably won’t get down for a few days, Oh! Gosh!  I feel like crying.  Gee, I miss him terribly and love him so very much.  Went shopping.  Had headache.  Edna phoned.  Coming 2nd March.  Ace phoned.  Coming Saturday.

20 Wednesday

Johnny phoned.  Promised I’d go and see him tomorrow.  Mummy and Pamela found out about the baby.

22 Friday

Went to Guildford 12 o’clock.  Had cup tea, caught 1:15 bus to Bramshott Hospital.  At last found Johnny.  Film on Weekend at Waldorf.  Felt faint.  Johnny got me water.  Had super there.  Got home 8 o’clock.

23 Saturday s.r.7.0, s.s.5.28

Johnny got here 2 o’clock.  Had dinner.  Went to show saw Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca.  Caught 9:30 bus home.  Ace didn’t come!



Cynthia’s Diary – April 14 – 15, 1942

Tuesday 14th April

Got up early.  Went to London.  Went to Corner House.  Went to High Court of Justice.  Court adjourned from 11 o’clock till tomorrow.  Had lunch at A.B.C.  Went around city could not get in any movies or shows.  Saw one or two people.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel in evening.  Got a little merry.  John and Gordon came.  That little squirt will follow me around.

Wednesday 15th April

Went to London again.  Court was on all day.  Had lunch at A.B.C.  Went to two corner houses.  Listened to orchestra.  Got off with Australian R.A.F. officers.  Went to “Daily Mirror Dorland Hall” exhibition.  Very good.  Bob came yesterday.  Dot had drink with him.  Was I wild.  Went in Milk Bar.

Cynthia’s Diary – March 13 – 14, 1942

Friday 13th March

Bob phoned me up and asked me if I would like to go to London.  Said I would phone tomorrow for sure.  Did not go out anywhere but did ironing and mending etc.  Mummy, Daddy and Pamela, also Wendy went to the movies.  Also Gordon and Dorothy.  He’s still staying here at Dot’s for his leave.


Saturday14th March         610 room

They had parade for Warship week, had photo taken by Donald.  Went to London.  Met Bob at Waterloo.  Stayed at Park Lane Hotel.  Very nice.  Elevators, bell boys etc., bathroom leading from bedroom.  Went to Young’s Chinese Restaurant.  Rained.  Went around in taxis.  Warning went about 12.  Went in lounge.  Had gin.  Had bath.  Waited on hand and foot.  Boy it was super!  It reminded me of tune “Lovely Weekend”.



Cynthia’s Diary – February 13 – 14, 1942

Friday 13th February

Did not go out.  Charles came, he’s got seven days C.B., because he did not go on parade, broke out of barracks, in coal truck.  Went with him down the road to get truck.  Had phoned earlier and spoken to Harold etc.  Charles won’t go to dance.


Saturday 14th February

Walked around village.  Charles came for few minutes in afternoon.  Went to dance.  Milton said Charles’ C.B. was a frame-up, because they got jealous of me!!  Danced a lot with Naughty Charles.  Met Bill Scotch Canadian, he brought me home, gave me photo.  Is going to write.  Charles and Kit came while I was at dance.  Spoke to sergeant major about Charles.

Cynthia’s Diary – December 8 – 21, 1940

Sun Dec 8

Did not go out today.  I dreamt, the other night, I visited Hitler and he promised peace.

Mon Dec 9

Had letter from Renee.  Went to Cranleigh to take chicken.  Had 6d off lady, 6d for going there and 6d for cutting hair off Mrs. Covey.

Tues Dec 10

Saw Ken, Pam caught her rabbit.  Saw Fred, Mrs. Layer’s son!

Wed Dec 11

Am looking forward to Xmas.  Have bought a few presents.  Did not go out today.  Saw Fred.

Thurs Dec 12

Saw few people!  Sent card to Ray.

Fri Dec 13

Went to village.  Saw Ben etc.  Arranged date.  Will not turn up.

Sat Dec 14

Had drinks Mummy bought. Went to flicks.  Saw Diana Churchill in “House of the Arrow”.  Also ”Roman Scandals”, Eddie Cantor.  Ben did not turn up.  Did not go to dance after all.

Sun Dec 15

Went to Cranleigh in Archies Car, Boy and Donkey way.  Had chicken dinner.

Mon Dec 16

Archie may have pub.  Did not go out today.

Tues Dec 17

Daddy is coming home soon.

Wed Dec 18

Did not go out today much.

Thurs Dec 19

Went to Guildford with June, jolly good.  On way home saw car signaling.  Had to lie in ditch owing to bombs.  Saw boys.  Paddy gave me pair of clips.

Fri Dec 20

Went to dance at Cranleigh College.  Danced with officer who was with Lady Burns. Saw Ken.  Met crowds of soldiers.  Eric kept giving us port etc.  Went in Railway and Onslow.  Met Eric Hibbs.  Arranged date.  Sat at pictures with Tony also Monday with Jack.  Nearly came home in army lorry.  Kissed me goodnight.  Came home in Armstrong car.

Sat Dec 21

Daddy came today.

Cynthia’s Diary – November 23 – December 7, 1940

Sat Nov 23

Studied stars.  Saw Ken.  Went to pictures.  Saw Willie and Bucket, Jimmey??  Saw “The Ghost Comes Home”, also Phyllis, Dorothy in “The Flying —“.  Very good.

Sun Nov 24

Archie came gave me 2/6.  Mummy went to Gibb’s Hatch.  Went ride saw Cecil.

Mon Nov 25

Went to village, to garage.  Saw Paddy, Tom and Ben.  Ben has a motor bike.  Did not hear many planes last night.

Tues Nov 26

Have got an awful cold.

Wed Nov 27

Did not go out today except to meet Pamela, Wendy from flicks and to post letter.

Thurs Nov 28

Went a bike ride.

Fri Nov 29

Went bike ride, saw soldiers, also Ken Thomson.

Sat Nov 30

Went to pictures.  Saw “King Solomon’s Mines”, Paul Robeson.  Also “over the Moon”, with Merle Oberon, Robert Harrison.  Freddie Backer came home with me.  Got off with soldiers, Australian.

Sun Dec 1

Archie came.  Went ride.  Saw bomb craters.

Mon Dec 2

Did not do much today.

Tues Dec 3

Went to flicks.  Saw “Crime does not pay”, good also Leslie Howard and Ingrid Bergman in “Escape to Happiness”, also Gordon Harker in “Lightning Conductor” with Sally Gray.

Wed Dec 4

Pamela went Wednesday afternoon.

Thur Dec 5

Saw Mr. Parsons and son in car??.  Had chance of job at Tickner’s Heath.  It’s the 3rd job I’ve had offered me.  Did washing.

Fri Dec 6

Went to village to get money.  Did not go out today.

Sat Dec 7

Mummy’s day off.  Did not go out.  Mummy showed me a lovely present.

Cynthia’s Diary – November 10 – 23, 1940

Sun Nov 10

Saw dog fight overhead.  Machine guns.  Went to Gibb’s Hatch.  Had lots sweets.  Pressed Beef and almond?? Fruit, coffee.  Went up to Mrs. Covey’s.  Daddy banged head.

Mon Nov 11

Did not go anywhere today as it teemed with rain.

Tues Nov 12

Mummy had day off.  We went to Horsham.  Had shoes, hat, gloves.  Had tea at Cotswold.  Missed bus.  Had to go Cranleigh way.  Had lovely time.

Wed Nov 13

Pamela, Daddy went to flicks.

Thurs Nov 14

Daddy goes back tomorrow.  Did not do much today.

Fri Nov 15

Daddy went back today.  Forgot several things.  We miss him.  Saw Ken and Norman.

Sat Nov 16

Flooded all round so cannot go to pictures.  It teemed with rain.

Sun Nov 17

Had -1 off Daddy.  Bought rabbit off Ken for dinner.

Mon Nov 18

Went to lecture.  (Ken).  I may go to pictures on Saturday with ==.

Tues Nov 19

Went to Alfold in morning.  Saw Ben Rudgewick, Bob in uniform.  Also went in afternoon, bought Bell for bike.

Wed Nov 20

Went to Cranleigh, saw Mummy.  Soldier mistook me for someone else.  Saw lots soldiers.  Saw Spikey, Bob, June.  Pam went to flicks, also Pat and Wendy.

Thurs Nov 21

Went to garage, Cranleigh.

Fri Nov 22

Bought long trousers.  Very nice.  Saw Spikey.  Butcher came.

Sat Nov 23

Studied stars.  Saw Ken.  Went to pictures.  Saw Willie and Bucket, Jimmey??  Saw “The Ghost Comes Home”, also Phyllis, Dorothy in “The Flying —“.  Very good.

Cynthia’s Diary – October 27 – November 9, 1940

Sun Oct 27

Went to Gibb’s Hatch 10/3.  Enjoyed it!  Had chicken.

Mon Oct 28

Saw spy signalling Man on bridge.  Saw Ben etc.  Wanted me to go out with them.

Tues Oct 29

Bomb dropped a few fields away.

Wed Oct 30

Went to London in van with Hugh and Mr. Wise.  4 raids, fighting overhead.  Saw damage all over place, got furniture.

Thurs Oct 31

Went to meet Mummy.  Passed her on way.  Went all way to Cranleigh.  Letter from Renee yesterday.

Fri Nov 1

My birthday.  Today I’m 16.  Had 5/- off Mummy.  Handkerchief off Pamela.  Two cards

Sat Nov 2

Had 2/6 off Mrs. Covey.  Also had gloves off family.  Lady asked way to Lord Renald’s house “Ardath”.

Sun Nov 3

Last night Basil gave me 3/- for my birthday.  Saw June.  Teased Basil.

Mon Nov 4

Had lift in lady’s car.  It is now a rumour that Joan Ellard is not dead.

Tues Nov 5

Had lift in car with Mummy.  Did not go anywhere much.

Wed Nov 6

Came new way home.  Bombs were very near last night.  Went to pictures.  Saw Kay Francis, Cary Grant, Carol Lombard in ———, also Spats to Spurs.

Thurs Nov 7

Saw Spikey.  Went to village.  Went to Cranley.  Saw Tons of soldiers.  Met Mummy with Bonzo.  Went down Guildford road.

Fri Nov 8

Went to village in morning to get money.  Last night saw flares.  Bombs drop very near.

Sat Nov 9

See lots of German planes.  Saw Ken and Norman.  Daddy came today.  Mummy had row with Hugh.  Daddy’s teeth are broken.

Cynthia’s Diary – October 13 – 26, 1940

Billie (Wilhelmina Mitchell Edwards) serving petrol at The Cranleigh Motor Co.

Sun Oct 13

Uncle Hugh went to Auntie Pat’s today.  I could have gone.

Mon Oct 14

Saw Spikey.  He still wants to go out with me.  I don’t like him though.  Hugh shot pheasant.

Tues Oct 15

Had a bath.  Did some drawing.  Last night was worst raid on London.

Wed Oct 16

Cannot remember what I did today.

Thurs Oct 17

Supposed to go out with Spikey.  Played cards, won.

Fri Oct 18

Forgot what I did today.

Sat Oct 19

Went up to Mrs. Covey’s house.

Sun Oct 20

Basil did most of bike today.  Did not go out.

Mon Oct 21

Mummy went to new job.  Got soaking wet.  Went to meet her.  Saw Spikey.

Tues Oct 22

Did not do much today.  Pam went to pictures with Auntie Pat and Uncle Hugh.

Wed Oct 23

Went to Lady Peekes.  Had rolls and tea.  Went to pictures.  Saw Ninotchicka, Jarbons Douglas, Crime does not pay and Charlie Chase.

Thurs Oct 24

Met Mummie.  Went to Cranleigh.  Saw soldiers.  Saw Norman.

Fri  Oct 25

Went to village.  Went to Garage.  Saw Paddy, —– and asked me to go out with them.  Saw Ben!  Saw a barrage balloon.  Plane machine-gunned it down and stunted??

Sat Oct 26

Pam had new bike.  Saw Ben and Paddy etc.

Cynthia’s Diary – September 29 – October 12, 1940

Sun Sept 29

Mummy busy???  Had a bath today.  Lots of apples and plums.

Mon Sept 30

June is going to get married soon.  Auntie Pat likes Basil.  Auntie Pat may get job in service.

Tues Oct 1

It will soon be my birthday.  It is getting very cold.  Daddy is a corporal now.

Wed Oct 2

Cannot remember what I did today.  Planes fly low overhead.

Thurs Oct 3

Went to pictures.  Saw Auther Askey in Charlie’s Aunt, also Richard Arlan in Legion of Lost Flyers.  Very good.  Bombs dropped right near us.

Fri Oct 4

Did not do much today.

Sat Oct 5

Mummy ill in bed with a cold, guess we’re all having colds.

Sun Oct 6

Did not do much today.  Mummy still in bed with cold.

Mon Oct 7

Auntie Pat went to Mrs. Morgan’s this morning in Taxi.

Tues Oct 8

Met Spikey.  He wanted me to go to the pictures at Guildford.  I saw Freddie Booker etc.

Wed Oct 9

Went to Horsham.  Had new shoes.  Went in the Cotswolds.  Had tea.  Uncle Hugh came to live here.  Miss Hodges is dead from bomb shock.  Poor old soul.  Bless her.

Thurs Oct 10

Uncle Hugh is getting settled a bit.

Fri Oct 11

Had lift in car!  Picked acorns.  Got nearly sack full.  They say Joan is dead.  I hope its un-true.

Sat Oct 12

Went to pictures.  Saw Deana Durban in It’s a Date, also Richard Arlen in ——-.  Had lift in Blador’s?? car.  I think it’s true about Joan.  A direct hit on shelter.  And to think of the happy times we had.