Saturday 2nd May
Charles stayed at Dots. Met his Regimental Sergeant Majors. Bob did not phone, but came for helmet etc., while I was at the office. Did not leave message!! Maybe someone said something. Daddy came home on leave. Bought two records. Went to Cranleigh Hotel, got off with soldier. Went to Three Horseshoes. All sold out quite early. As most of the English are going abroad and celebrating first. Charles came. Paid for me at dance. Got off with officer.
Sunday 3rd May
Charles went back before 12 o’clock. Mummy and Daddy, Pamela & Pat went to movies. Robbie called to see if I’d go a ride with him. Saw Don and Tommy. Went on Bike to Rudgwick. Charles bought me ice also bought another. Went walk. Had a bit of his supper. Saw Roy, spoke, saw naughty Charles. A Canadian rode home with me. Joan introduced me to her mother. Met Tony and Margie. Went to have drink, but all places closed. They came home to supper. Had rather a good time. Did not leave till late.