Cassie’s Art

Hoolie (Juliette) gazing at the moon
Hoolie (Juliette) gazing at the moon

This is a Scratchboard rendition of Cassie’s cat, Hoolie. For my birthday or was it Christmas, Cassie signed us up for a scratchboard class through Meta4 Gallery, which has since left Peterborough. The teacher was local artist Lisa Martini-Dunk.

Cassie made this scratchboard art in 2023. She then used the image to do a silk screen print on tshirts, which she sold at her art show.

I think it is amazing!


Trying to see if this website is still working. A while ago we made skelleton marionettes. Mine looked like Benedict Cumberbatch, so we called him Benedict Pumpkinpatch. We made some videos of the skelletons dancing around, … and laughed and laughed. It was hillarious…

Cynthia’s Diary 1945

1945 May 7- 13


Monday May 7

My photos of Wendy arrived.  Very good. Had letter from Rae.  Also one from Johnny, in hospital with tonsillitis.  Went to show saw Storm Over Lisbon. 

They announced VE Day will be tomorrow.  Yippie

Tuesday May 8

The War is over after all these years it doesn’t seem true.  Went over to aerodrome mess in car with Jack Fisher and wife.  Played piano.  Met Canadian girl (war bride).

Everyone had holiday today.  Went to dance till 2 o’clock.  Marched in Torch parade with band singing and shouting.  Wonderful bonfire with Swastika on top.  All Cranleigh was lit up and flags flying, fire-works shooting about.

Thursday May 10

Welcomed more prisoners of war.  Station master etc. tried to push us off the station, but I stood my ground.  Prisoners cheered.  Gave them books.  Deans came today on leave from Holland.  Gave me pair of red clogs, handkerchief, lipstick, pair of stockings, etc. 

Ethel, Mr.&Mrs. Kingdon also came round for cup of tea.

Friday May 11

Went to dance on Wednesday till 12.  Welcomed more prisoners.  Gave them books.  Met Ken Lee from Birmingham.  They’re really all the best boys from England, all R.A.F. officers and really well spoken.  It’s interesting to see their souvenirs and talk to them.  They gave us German money.  They’re all Officers in the R.A.F.

Saturday May 12

Went to show saw “The Adventures of Mark Twain”.  Mr & Mrs. Kingdon and Ethel came for cup to tea etc.  I lost glass out of French watch Deans had lent me, thus bending one of the hands. 

Sunday May 13

Went to Bognor Regis for day with Mummy, Pam & Wendy.  Went in Buttins Fair.  Took bus ride to Little Hampton.  All beach closed there.  We could see several mines, also sea mine and aerial torpedo.  Bought a portable radio on Wednesday.  L12-10-0