Cynthia’s Diary February 25 – 26, 1942

Wednesday 25th February

Went to dance.  Charles took me.  Also went to Legion.  French Scotty made Charles spill beer down me.  Saw Bob’s two officer friends.  Saw Milton, Naught Charles etc.  Tom was on the door.  I guess he would have let me in if I’d known.  Went to truck with Charles.  Cliff and John L. came round.


Thursday 26th February

Did not go out today!  Saw lots of Canadians I know.  Did ironing and mending.  Mummy and Pamela went to pictures.  Said it was very good.  Chas. Did not come after all.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 23 – 24, 1942

Monday 23rd February

Saw lots of Canadians I know.  Did not go anywhere.  Lots of Canadians zooming around in trucks.  Saw officers I know.  Rather a dull day.  Pamela and Wendy went to pictures.


Tuesday 24th February

Had letter from Bill Tennant.  Charles was on picket.  Went to concert.  Very good.  Saw lots of Canadians etc. that I know.  All sang Canadian song.  Very good saxophone player.  Ended about 9:30.  Impersonator.  Saw Doris and Margee.  Saw officer etc.  Pamela came with me.


Cynthia’s Diary – February 21 – 22, 1942

Saturday 21st February

Charles came in afternoon.  All went to Cranleigh Hotel at night.  Had quite nice time.  Charles and Gordon stayed.  Danced to music on Radio and Radiogram.  Dorothy stayed home and played draughts with Jeff.


Sunday 22nd February

Charles spilt tea all over my slacks.  Gordon and Billie went to Horse-shoes, and White Heart in morning, washed my hair.  Went to British Legion, saw some of boys.  Went to White Heart.  Played cards, Charles won.  Saw Len (Ken?).  Went to truck with Charles.


Cynthia’s Diary – February 19 – 20, 1942

Thursday 19th February

Charles came.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel.  Saw Naughty Charles and Eve.  Went to Canadian invitation dance.  Colonel Lyons bought us coffee and cake.  Danced with officers.  Had quite nice time.  Saw Milton.  Went to Rudgwick in truck with Charles, to take others home.  Zoomed along.   It’s great fun riding in trucks.


Friday 20th February

Went to movies.  Saw Deanna Durbin in “It Started With Eve”.  Also “Six Lesssons from Madam Lazonga”.  Went 1/10 seats.  Went to fish and chip shop.  Saw Jonny Ford.  Talked to me lots.  When I went I heard them talking about me.  Went to bed quite early.  There is dance tomorrow.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 17 – 18, 1942


Tuesday 17th February

Tuesday evening phoned Charles, spoke to Ken Wyman, also Naughty Charles pretended he was Charles.   Charles came.  Stayed till just after 11 o’clock.  Saw some of boys, also John L.  Charles got into trouble about me addressing Valentines card to Rugdwick.  But Sergeant Major gave it to him because he knows me.


Wednesday 18th February

Had to go down village to get letter etc.  Saw Harold in staff car.  Also Eric Hibbs in van, and officers etc.  Also kept tooting horns in cars!!  Went to movies saw Jane Withers in “A Very Young Lady”, also Caesar Romero in “Tall Dark Handsome”.  Saw Bob and officers.  Went looked at dance saw Harold and John L.  Saw some of the girls etc.

Cynthia’s Diary February 15 – 16, 1942

Sunday 15th  February

Phoned Charles few times, but he was not there, spoke to others.  He came later with Kil.  Went to Cranley Hotel with them and Dot and Gordon.  Danced etc.  Met Staff sergeant.  Did not go to bed till about 3 o’clock.  I rather like Kim.  He kissed me.  Saw Jonny Ford, he’s from Chicago.  Crazy about me.


Monday 16th February

Phoned Charles, he was not there.  Had conversation with corporal Ron.  Went to bed 10 o’clock, just read book.  Did not do much.  Jeff’s home on leave.  Ron says he’s twenty, 6 foot tall and a corporal.  Wants me to find girl friend.  Did not go to their dance at Ewhurst.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 13 – 14, 1942

Friday 13th February

Did not go out.  Charles came, he’s got seven days C.B., because he did not go on parade, broke out of barracks, in coal truck.  Went with him down the road to get truck.  Had phoned earlier and spoken to Harold etc.  Charles won’t go to dance.


Saturday 14th February

Walked around village.  Charles came for few minutes in afternoon.  Went to dance.  Milton said Charles’ C.B. was a frame-up, because they got jealous of me!!  Danced a lot with Naughty Charles.  Met Bill Scotch Canadian, he brought me home, gave me photo.  Is going to write.  Charles and Kit came while I was at dance.  Spoke to sergeant major about Charles.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 11 – 12, 1942

Wednesday 11th February

Phoned Charles, but he was not there.  Spoke to Harold.  Looked in at dance.  Not too bad, no one in particular there so did not go, anyhow I’m broke.  Saw Len etc.  Did not go anywhere else.  Bit fed up.  Went to bed early.  9:30. Maybe I’ll go to the pictures tomorrow.  Have not been for some time.


Thursday 12th February

Phoned Charles.  Spoke quite long time, spoke to Fannie.  Saw Don the American filmstar.  Did not go to movies after all.  Just stayed in went to bed early.  Charles may not come to dance on Saturday.  He may be on duty.  Will phone him tomorrow.  Have not heard from Bob.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 9 – 10, 1942

Monday 9th February

Spoke to lots of Canadians.  Did not do much today.  Had to walk to work as Charles has got my bike.  Naughty Charles had a smash the other day has got to be court-marshalled.  He once ran a man over and killed him.  Did not go out .  Listened to Canadian news on the radio.  The snow is clearing away now.  Saw Wally.


Tuesday 10th February

Went to Canadian invitation dance.  Charles brought bike back, gave me Canadian pad-lock.  Saw and danced with Naughty Charles.  Nic gave me cigarette.  Pamela danced with Sammy.  Saw Harold he came rund to house.  Went to Three Horshoes.  Danced with lots of boys.  Doris and Margie were there.  Also Colonel and Captain.  Good dance.  Enjoyed. Billie seemed annoyed.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 7 – 8, 1942

Saturday 7th February

Did not go to Guildford after all.  Charles came about 3:30 p.m.  Had bath.  Water cold.  Charles brought chocolates and pickles.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel.  Officers spoke.  Went to dance, saw Nic.  Danced with him.  Billie met Sammy.  Brought him home.  Charles stayed.  Naughty Charles did not come.  Lights went out in waltz.


Sunday 8th February

Charles came about 3:00 p.m.  Gordon came later.  Had tea.  Fooled around danced.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel.  Harold came.  Gave me chewing gum.  They missed truck.  Gordon walked.  Charles cycled.  He seemed very tired.  Dorothy sat with Little Gordon for a bit, and sort of cheered him up.