Cynthia’s Diary – April 4 – 5, 1942

Saturday 4th April

Went to dance.  Went and had drinks with Charles!  Lots of Canadians in “Horseshoes”.  Kept flirting with me.  Jim came and had drink.  Danced a lot with Charles.  Milton was very pleased and happy.  Danced with me.  Went a ride in Truck.  Then went in truck to Ewhurst.  Charles came in the house.  Did not go until rather late.  Had very enjoyable evening.

Sunday 5th April

Went to movies saw Tom Wallis and Lillie Palmer in “Crack Jack”, also Charlie McCarthy in “You can’t cheat an Honest Man”.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel.  Saw officers.  Captain Tommy Warner.  Met Sergeant Frazer, also Bob sergeant major.  They came and played cards.  Gordon came, also Charles.  Bob was a great joke to Charles.  Saw them off to truck.  Charles kissed me!!  Dot saw Gordon off.  Saw John.

Cynthia’s Diary – April 2 – 3, 1942

Thursday 2nd April

Phoned Bob.   He said he would be coming at 8 o’clock.  Supposed to go to pictures with John.  Told him (John) I could not go.  He was very disappointed.  Bob did not come after all.  Curse him.  You wait until I see him.  Wish I’d gone to movies.  Went and bought fish and chips.

Friday 3rd April

Did not go anywhere much.  Went to pictures.  Saw “Road to Frisco”, “A Lady Must Love”.  Went in 1/10d seats.  Saw several people I know.  Saw John

Cynthia’s Diary – March 31 – April 1, 1942

Tuesday 31st March

Supposed to be a dance.  Got ready and Joy came to say there wasn’t one.  I think she thought she might see Bob.  Anyhow she stayed evening.  Showed her photos etc.  I have almost finished one of my films.


Wednesday 1st April

Went to pictures saw “Unfinished Business” and Richard Arlen in some Arctic film.  Supposed to go with Robbie but was too late.  John sat by me.  Bought ice, gave me gum.  Walked home with me.  Said he earns #200 a week!!  Etc.  Supposed to go to flicks tomorrow.  Lovely moonlight night.  Film very good!!  No dance until Monday next.


Cynthia’s Diary – March 29 – 30, 1942

Sunday 29th March

Saw Roy, but went to movies by myself.  Saw one of the boys.  Saw Frank.  When I came out of movies went to “Three Horseshoes” with him.  Stood talking.  Mummy and Gordon invited us to Cranleigh Hotel.  Felt sick and had cold in head.  Was sick went home everyone fussed over me.  Went to bed.  Frank’s crazy about me, but he’s not my type.  I hope to go to the dance tomorrow.


Monday 30th March

Went to Canadian invitation dance.  R.C.E. band.  They just had fairy lights and spotlights.  Jean was there with Eddie.  Met Doug.  Saw officers.  Doug bought me refreshments.  Frank gave me a film.  Robbie asked me to have drink.  Kissed me.  Had lovely time.  Fred MacMurray took me home.  His real name’s Bill.  Dot came to the dance.  There may be one tomorrow.  Bill wants to go out with me!!  He’ crazy about me.


Cynthia’s Diary – March 27 – 28, 1942

Friday 27th March

Went to garage with battery.  Saw soldiers.  When I went office saw staff sergeants, also Bill.  Stopped and spoke.  I have to register tomorrow.  Did not go out anywhere.  Rather fed up.


Saturday 28th March

My Saturday off.  Went to dance.  Met lots.  Fred MacMurray (Bill) brought me home.  Several offers to take me out.  Nic gave me photo.  Roy gave me a film.  One guy likes me a lot, but I don’t like him.  Saw Milton.  Very good band.  Charles was not at dance.  Nic was annoyed because I would not dance rumba with him and would not let him take me home!!

Cynthia’s Diary – March 7 – 8, 1942

Saturday 7th March

Went to dance.  Very good.  Danced with lots of officers met one rather nice one.  Charles danced with me.  Has been to London.  Naughty Chas danced with me also last waltz.  Little Cpl. kept following me.  Ivy nearly left me with a soldier.  The boys are very interested in Charles and my quarrel.  Did tango and rumba with Milton!


Sunday 8th March

Went to movies saw Paul Robeson in “Proud Valley” Dick Powell, Anita Louis in “Going Places”.  Very good.  Saw Naughty Charles.  Went to Cranley Hotel.  Saw officers.  Played cards, I lost.  Went to bed quite early about 12 o’clock.  Dot won.  I hear Charles stayed out all last night??  I wonder where!!!

Cynthia’s Diary March 5 – 6, 1942

Thursday 5th March

Went to dance 2/.  Not many there.  Rather depressing.  Nic insisted on dancing with me said he waited 2 hours for me.  Ivy was there.  Also filmstar officer etc.  Did not have chance to speak because of Nic.  Nic took me home.  I may see him next Friday.  I don’t think I will though because he would want to keep going out with me because he’s crazy about me.

Friday 6th March

Went to movies saw “Gert and Daisy’s Weekend” also Caesar Romero in “Dance Hall”.  Not too bad!!  Saw several people I knew.  Went in 1/6d seats.  It was pitch dark.  But some guys recognized me and said Good Night.  Dorothy sat and talked when I got back.

Cynthia’s Diary March 3 – 4, 1942

Tuesday 3rd March

Went to dance, danced a lot with Nic and Caddy.  Charles danced with me but acted a bit distant.  Also danced black-out walze.  He took that girl for drink and took her home.  Nic took me home, talked to him and Caddy at corner.  Gordon came by also Charles.  Nic likes me very much.  The fool wants to marry me!!  He forgets Bob.


Wednesday 4th March

Spoke to Kib and Red at dance last night.  It appears Chas told him not to come!!  Did not go anywhere.  Washed my hair and did a bit of washing.  Bob has not phoned yet.  I’m disappointed he said he would.  Saw Canadian Officer, etc.  It was Charles’ Birthday today, did not send him a card.

Cynthia’s Diary – March 1 – 2, 1942

Sunday 1st March St. David’s Day

Did not go anywhere today.  Had bath.  Pamela went to pictures.  Gordon came borrowed my bike last night brought it back today.  He would not say much about Charles.  I guess Charles is going around with that girl because I sort of dared him to in an indirect way.


Monday 2nd March

Went to movies.  Saw Alice Faye, Don Ameche, Carman Miranda in “That Night in Rio”, also the “Jones Family”.  Went in the 2/6 seats, sat next to three officers.  Peggy was in there.  Billie and Dorothy sat two rows in front of me.  It was very good.  Lovely and moonlight night.

Cynthia’s Diary – February 27 – 28, 1942

Friday 27th February

Went to movies with Charles.  Saw Gordon Harker in “Once a crook”, also “Cisco Kid”.  Went had drinks at Cranleigh Hote!  Saw English CO’s.  Charles nearly missed truck.  Rather a figgit in the pictures.  Saw Betty.  He starts his leave next week!  And it’s his birthday.


Saturday 28th February

Had terrific quarrel.

Went to Guildford.  Met Auntie Pat.  Went had cup of tea.  Spoke to Canadians.  Went to dance.  Charles acted awkward.  Had five stone ring on.  Danced a lot with Nic.  Bob came.  Charles came round, most awkward.  Gave him his ring back!!  He danced with girl form pictures.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel with Bob in staff car.