Cynthia’s Diary March 3 – 4, 1942

Tuesday 3rd March

Went to dance, danced a lot with Nic and Caddy.  Charles danced with me but acted a bit distant.  Also danced black-out walze.  He took that girl for drink and took her home.  Nic took me home, talked to him and Caddy at corner.  Gordon came by also Charles.  Nic likes me very much.  The fool wants to marry me!!  He forgets Bob.


Wednesday 4th March

Spoke to Kib and Red at dance last night.  It appears Chas told him not to come!!  Did not go anywhere.  Washed my hair and did a bit of washing.  Bob has not phoned yet.  I’m disappointed he said he would.  Saw Canadian Officer, etc.  It was Charles’ Birthday today, did not send him a card.

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