The Dowdall House – Fowler’s Corners

Half House Fowlers Corners

Cynthia arrived in Halifax on June 14, 1946.  She then travelled by train to Belleville, Ontario.  John and his brother Gordon picked Cynthia up at the train station.  After an overnight stop at Gordon and Thelma’s, they headed to Sudbury to visit with relatives.  A party was thrown for the newlyweds that lasted until dawn.

Originally they were going to live in Sudbury, but Gordon convinced John and his other brother Marmaduke that they should come to Peterborough.  He said there was good farmland, (Marmaduke wanted to farm), and there were jobs at the Canadian General Electric company.

John and Cynthia lived with Gordon and Thelma on Stormont Street.  John got a job at the GE.

On August 7, 1946, they purchased an acre of land on the Peterborough-Lakefield Highway, 5 miles from Peterborough.  The price was $250.00. Then they decided to sell it.  At some point they moved in with “Duke” and Marie on the farm at Orange Corners.

They purchased the land at Fowler’s Corners from Bill Burgomaster (actually his mother owned the farm).  John was able to get a loan from the VLA (Veterans Land Association), because he had served with the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps., and they began work on the house.


At first they built half of the house.  Cynthia thought that the wind would knock it over, so John attached guy wires to hold it down.

Cynthia’s Diary – June 16 – 29, 1946


16 Sunday

Awoke about 5 a.m. to children crying.  Watched scenery.  Went to sleep.  Had corn flakes, bacon and egg and toast.  Got off at Cambletown for walk.  Also at Mont Joli.  Bought cokes from super café.  Took photos.  Had salad, ice cream for dinner etc.  Went to sleep.

17 Monday

Johnny’s and my second Wedding Anniversary.  Arrived Belleville 5 a.m.  Johnny and Gordon waiting for me.  70 miles in car.  Had flat tire.  Another couple came with us.  Met Thelma and children.  Drove to town.

18 Tuesday

Johnny gave me anniversary presents of stockings, and Red Chenille house coat.  Bought me slacks, dress, etc.  Drove 310 miles to Sudbury.  Had drinks etc. on way.

19 Wednesday

Pamela’s 18th Birthday.  Met Duke, Marie, Ma and Pa Jenkins, Rae, Paul, Ellen, Phil etc.  Had a party ‘till 6 o’clock in morning for me.  Met dozens of people.  Did square dances to orchestra.

20 Thursday

Had table full of presents.  Beer, wine.  Wonderful food, chicken also Wedding cake.  Went to Phil and Ellen’s to supper.  Went drive round Sudbury.

21 Friday

Bought me pickled egg.  Put sugar on by mistake.  Couldn’t eat it.  They laughed.  Had Hen party shower for me  Lots more presents.  Also wine.  Played bingo won 4 times.  Went to Ma Jenkin’s for supper.

22 Saturday

Drove to Lake Penage.  Mr. and Mrs. Whithead’s Lodge.  Mad at John for going on Lake for 2 ½ hours with girls.  Saw house where Dionne Quints born.  Also lovely house they now live in.

23 Sunday

Drove back from Sudbury.  Could not carry my presents.  Just clock off Jenkins.  Had to leave bouquet behind.  Stopped at Callendar.  Met more Dowdalls including Johnny’s half brother.  Had drink in their café.  I was sick on way.  Had flat tire.

24 Monday

Johnny started work again.

25 Tuesday

Insurance man came.  Johnny bought insurance.  Paid $56 first payment.  Drove down town for lime drink.  Bought fish and chips.

26 Wednesday

Drove to canal.  Johnny swam.  I paddled.  Had ice cream.  Also hamburger.  The weather is boiling.

27 Thursday

Had letter from Mummy and Phyllis.  Wrote letters.  Sometimes it’s hard to believe I’m in Canada.  Johnny worked ‘till 11 o’clock on car.  Top fell on his arm.

28 Friday

Rode down got bread with Thelma, Johnny.  Gave me $2 to do some shopping.  Bought pound cherries.

29 Saturday

All went to town to do shopping.  Bought Wendy dress.

Cynthia’s Diary – June 2 – 15, 1946


June, 1946

2 Sunday

Mummy had letter from Johnny.  Had present off Auntie Elsie Also off Mrs. Batchelor.  Went for papers.  A shortage of cigarettes in Cranleigh.  Did not go out.  Mrs. Ward came.

3 Monday

Had new instructions from Wives Bureau.  I leave Friday. And am now sailing on the Queen Mary.  Daddy went back.  I phoned Phyllis.

4 Tuesday

Went to Ewhurst to dancing class with Mummy and Wendy.  It was raining.  Glad to get home.

5 Wednesday

Did not go out.  Pamela and Mummy stayed home again.  Did sewing etc. Also ironing.  Daddy is meeting us in London on Friday.

6 Thursday

Did shopping.  Had tea at Hibbs with Mummy and Wendy.  Went fixed money at Bank.

Went to show.  Saw Son of Lassie.

7 Friday

Taxi called 12:30.  Caught 12:49 train to Guildford.  Caught 1:20 train Waterloo. Packed.  Stood all the way.  Met Daddy.  Phyllis.  She gave me present.  Had cup tea. Then had another at caf. Kissed them goodbye 4:30.  All cried.  Dozens children.

8 Saturday

Had coffee in caf.  Watched Victory Parade from Balcony.  Saw King, Queen and Princesses also Prime Minister and Winston Churchill.  Phoned Mummy had Whelks.  Wrote to Mummy and family.

9 Sunday

Went to tea with Phyllis.  Met her sister, brother etc.  Wrote to Mummy.  Phoned Mummy.  Left Hostel 10 o’clock.  Left Waterloo at 12. Arrived Southampton 1:30.  Gee the Queen Mary’s a big ship.  Wonderful food.  Had bath.

10 Monday

Saw film “Diamond Horseshoe”, Betty Grable, Dick Hayes.  Phoned Mummy in morning.  And afternoon, evening.  Said Goodbye to them all.  Had telegram from them.  Had bath.

11 Tuesday

Queen Mary left Southampton 9:30 a.m.  Took photo of coast and ship Nelson.  Went to show saw Rex Harrison in “Blyth Spirit”.  Had bath.  Did shopping.  Bought jumper, brassiere, etc.QMCynthia_0003

12 Wednesday

Was sea-sick, also the others.  Forced myself to eat.  Got cigarettes.  Also souvenirs.  Sat on deck and in lounge.  Had coke, apples, etc.

13 Thursday

Had hair shampooed and set in Beauty Salon.  The Right Honourable Mackenzie King who is on the boat, gave a speech!

MackenzieKing QMCynthia


14 FridayAutographMK

15 Saturday

Docked at Halifax in morning about 11 o’clock.  Went through immigration. Changed money.  Sent cables.  Spoke several times to Mackenzie King.  Took his photo.

A page from Cynthia’s autograph book

Cynthia’s Diary – February 10 – 23, 1946


10 Sunday

Maurie came again.  Johnny and I went to Stockland Hotel in evening.  Malcolm wouldn’t come.

11 Monday

Auntie Elsie came into town with us.  Had ice in Lewis.  She went to see old ladies.  We went to see Daddy and Auntie Sis etc.  Then went to show.  Saw “A Thousand and One Nights” at Gaumont.  Had supper and went home after having drinks.

12 Tuesday

Tried to book seats at Hippodrome to see Hot Ice, impossible.  Elsie gave us £1.  Had tea Gaumont, then drinks then went to Stockland for more drinks.

13 WednesdayGaumont Theatre Birmingham

Got up early and caught 9 o’clock train.  Floods had subsided.  Got into London early.  Had drinks in Bear and Staff.  Lots of stage and screen people in there.

14 Thursday

Went to Leicester Square Theatre.  Saw George Brent in The Spiral Staircase.  Had lunch etc.  Got train 5:30 to Guildford.  Had drinks and supper.  Went to Onslow, then to show.  Saw Humphrey Bogart in Conflict.  I was sick.

15 Friday

Went to show.  It’s nice having Johnny around the house.  Hand still in bandage.

16 Saturday

Did not go to dance.  Had drink at 3 Horseshoes.  No fish and chips.

17 Sunday

Did not go to show as I’d seen one of the films.  Johnny took photo of me in the Garden.  Left on last bus.

18 Monday

Johnny came round, brought Ace.  Elaine came too.  Had supper then, curse it, he had to go back to camp, as he has to go up to the Hospital early about hand.

19 Tuesday

Went to Ewhurst with Wendy to watch her dancing.  While I was out, Johnny phoned, the poor darling’s hand is broken, so he has to go to the hospital and probably won’t get down for a few days, Oh! Gosh!  I feel like crying.  Gee, I miss him terribly and love him so very much.  Went shopping.  Had headache.  Edna phoned.  Coming 2nd March.  Ace phoned.  Coming Saturday.

20 Wednesday

Johnny phoned.  Promised I’d go and see him tomorrow.  Mummy and Pamela found out about the baby.

22 Friday

Went to Guildford 12 o’clock.  Had cup tea, caught 1:15 bus to Bramshott Hospital.  At last found Johnny.  Film on Weekend at Waldorf.  Felt faint.  Johnny got me water.  Had super there.  Got home 8 o’clock.

23 Saturday s.r.7.0, s.s.5.28

Johnny got here 2 o’clock.  Had dinner.  Went to show saw Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca.  Caught 9:30 bus home.  Ace didn’t come!



Cynthia’s Diary January 27 – February 9, 1946


27  Sunday

Went to show.  Saw George Sanders in “The Moon and Sixpence”.  Had drink at Onslow. Caught 9:30 bus home.  Found 6d.

28 Monday

Did my washing.  Mrs. Tugwel called round about telephone.

 29 Tuesday

Johnny comes home every night now.  It would be so lonely without him, as Daddy is now in Birmingham.  He has a job there.

30 Wednesday

Johnny came, stayed home.

31 Thursday

Made appointment to have hair permed.  Went to show.  Johnny came, saw George Formby in “I didn’t do it”.

1 February, Friday

Had hair permed.  Maria, short style, curls all over 2-7-0.  Johnny came.

 2 Saturday

Johnny came.  We didn’t go out as it was so wet.

 3 Sunday

Rained all day.  So didn’t go out.  Elaine came round.  She and Pamela went to show.

4 Monday

Johnny came, all bruised and with his wrist in agony.  Did best we could.  Didn’t know what to do with it all night.

 5 Tuesday

Johnny came, had been to M.O.  Took ex rays and bound it up in plaster.

6 Wednesday

Johnny came.  He starts his leave tomorrow.

7 Thursday

Went to community centre for dinner.  Johnny’s hand all swollen.  Went to Onslow.  Saw old Rydinghurst gang.

8 Friday

Went to Birmingham.  Arrived 9:30.  Looked around London on way.  Good trains.

 9 Saturday

Malcolm came to Auntie Elsie for weekend.  Also Maurie.  Met Johnny’s friend Cecil Ace and wife, Sylvia at College Arms, Sparkhill.  I was sick, so came home at 10 o’clock.  We could have gone dancing and stayed night with them.

Cynthia’s Diary – Dec 31,1945 – Jan 26, 1946



31 December 1945  Monday

Went into Guildford.  Got evening dress. White with red polka dots.  Mrs. Kosten Hendricks helped me alter it as it was too long.

Went to Cranleigh College dance with Johnny in taxi with Lt. Cmdr and Mrs. Kosten and Pam.  Had drinks etc.

1 Tuesday

2 Wednesday

Went to Onslow with Johnny.


17 Thursday

Johnny went back today.  Went to show

18 Friday

Johnny arrived to help us move.  Went to Onslow.  Andy, Jack and Elaine and friend came to supper.

19  Saturday

Moved into our new house today.  Got radio fixed up etc.

 20 Sunday

Went to show with Johnny.  Also to Onslow.  Pamela brought Andy, Elaine and Jacky to supper.

21 Monday

Johnny went back to camp.  Radio broke.  Went to show.

22 Tuesday

Wrote letters and sent off competition.

 23 Wednesday

Johnny came this evening.  He has 4 days leave.

24 Thursday

Went to show.  Saw Hedy Lamar in “Conflict”.  Johnny stayed home, he’d seen it.

25 Friday

Johnny and I caught 9:45 bus to Guildford, then train to London.  Got room at Union Jack Club, Waterloo.  Went drinking.  Went to Lyons Brasserie.  Then to show at Odeon.  Saw George Raft in “Stop Whistle”.

 26 Saturday

Had drinks, supper etc.  Went to London Pavilion.  Saw Bing Crosby, Bob Hope in “Road to Utopia”.  Went to Brasserie.  Got into Guildford at 7:30.  Went had tea, then to Lion Hotel for supper and drinks.  Met Daddy in subway train, on way to Birmingham.