Cynthia’s Diary – January 22 – 23, 1942

Thursday 22nd January

Freezing cold today.  Went to dance at Rudgwick in truck with Charles.  Saw Ally, Ray, Harold, Naughty Charles etc.  Had nice time.  Someone said I was best dancer there.  Had a rather thudling?? Ride home in Charles’ truck.  Took May home, and had to get back on road before the cpl.  Charles did not go until about 3.  Nor did Gordon.  Hope they have . . . . . .


Friday 23rd January

Spent rather a quiet day and evening washed my hair.  Canadians are arriving in Cranleigh.  Pamela, Mummy and Wendy went to pictures.  Was supposed to phone, but did not have any change.  Shall go to dance tomorrow.  The snow is still very thick and icy.  Brrr!  this winter weather.  Sure is Herring clothes weather.


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