Cynthia’s Diary January 27 – February 9, 1946


27  Sunday

Went to show.  Saw George Sanders in “The Moon and Sixpence”.  Had drink at Onslow. Caught 9:30 bus home.  Found 6d.

28 Monday

Did my washing.  Mrs. Tugwel called round about telephone.

 29 Tuesday

Johnny comes home every night now.  It would be so lonely without him, as Daddy is now in Birmingham.  He has a job there.

30 Wednesday

Johnny came, stayed home.

31 Thursday

Made appointment to have hair permed.  Went to show.  Johnny came, saw George Formby in “I didn’t do it”.

1 February, Friday

Had hair permed.  Maria, short style, curls all over 2-7-0.  Johnny came.

 2 Saturday

Johnny came.  We didn’t go out as it was so wet.

 3 Sunday

Rained all day.  So didn’t go out.  Elaine came round.  She and Pamela went to show.

4 Monday

Johnny came, all bruised and with his wrist in agony.  Did best we could.  Didn’t know what to do with it all night.

 5 Tuesday

Johnny came, had been to M.O.  Took ex rays and bound it up in plaster.

6 Wednesday

Johnny came.  He starts his leave tomorrow.

7 Thursday

Went to community centre for dinner.  Johnny’s hand all swollen.  Went to Onslow.  Saw old Rydinghurst gang.

8 Friday

Went to Birmingham.  Arrived 9:30.  Looked around London on way.  Good trains.

 9 Saturday

Malcolm came to Auntie Elsie for weekend.  Also Maurie.  Met Johnny’s friend Cecil Ace and wife, Sylvia at College Arms, Sparkhill.  I was sick, so came home at 10 o’clock.  We could have gone dancing and stayed night with them.

Cynthia’s Diary – Dec 31,1945 – Jan 26, 1946



31 December 1945  Monday

Went into Guildford.  Got evening dress. White with red polka dots.  Mrs. Kosten Hendricks helped me alter it as it was too long.

Went to Cranleigh College dance with Johnny in taxi with Lt. Cmdr and Mrs. Kosten and Pam.  Had drinks etc.

1 Tuesday

2 Wednesday

Went to Onslow with Johnny.


17 Thursday

Johnny went back today.  Went to show

18 Friday

Johnny arrived to help us move.  Went to Onslow.  Andy, Jack and Elaine and friend came to supper.

19  Saturday

Moved into our new house today.  Got radio fixed up etc.

 20 Sunday

Went to show with Johnny.  Also to Onslow.  Pamela brought Andy, Elaine and Jacky to supper.

21 Monday

Johnny went back to camp.  Radio broke.  Went to show.

22 Tuesday

Wrote letters and sent off competition.

 23 Wednesday

Johnny came this evening.  He has 4 days leave.

24 Thursday

Went to show.  Saw Hedy Lamar in “Conflict”.  Johnny stayed home, he’d seen it.

25 Friday

Johnny and I caught 9:45 bus to Guildford, then train to London.  Got room at Union Jack Club, Waterloo.  Went drinking.  Went to Lyons Brasserie.  Then to show at Odeon.  Saw George Raft in “Stop Whistle”.

 26 Saturday

Had drinks, supper etc.  Went to London Pavilion.  Saw Bing Crosby, Bob Hope in “Road to Utopia”.  Went to Brasserie.  Got into Guildford at 7:30.  Went had tea, then to Lion Hotel for supper and drinks.  Met Daddy in subway train, on way to Birmingham.


Cynthia’s Diary – June 5 – 11, 1944


Mon June 5th

Had letter from my darling John. Also one from Daddy with L5-0-0 on Saturday. When John came. I had 2 parcels from John’s mother and sister. Bridal set, (nightdress, slip and panties). Also 2 pairs stockings and pair of babies booties. I had to pay 18/1 for them. Gosh was I mad.

Also had letter from John which one of the fellows brought down.  Sent of some invitation cars. I should have come on duty at the Station Sat. but forgot all about it. Went on duty today. Phoned StrandPalace Hotel. They are full up. Girls moaned (because I) forgot going on duty.

Tues June 6th

Had letter from Uncle Arthur. Our troops have started to invade near France.

Wed June 7th

Mr. Pryke gave me a cheque for L2-2-0 for wedding present. Carm and Chuck came to supper. Don’t think I’ll tell John. He hates Carmel. Pamela at Elaine’s went to dance. Stayed in and did sewing.

Thurs June 8th

Elaine came in evening. Gee I’m getting excited. Hope John can get leave. The wedding’s just got to come off now. I’ve been dashing everywhere arranging things. Lovely invitation cards.

Fri June 9th

Went to the show. Saw Fred McMurrey and Paulette Goddard in “Standing Room Only”. Looked in dance, while I took dog walk. Eileen, Pam, and Elaine. Had a talk with Stan. Wrote to John. I write him nearly every day.

Sat June 10th

Mummy and I went to Guildford. Got rest of veiling and headdresses for bridesmaids etc. Had tea Abbotts Kitchen. Had cheque from John’s mother 200 dollars. 44-17-10.

Sun June 11th

Went to show. Wrote to John. Gee I’m getting excited. To think I’ll really be John’s wife, and he’ll be my own darling husband. He’s the best man in the whole world and the handsomest too, and I wouldn’t part with him, not for a million pounds I love him with all my heart and soul. Oh! Dearest come to me soon.