Monday 26th January
The snow is nearly washed away now. Saw some Canadians. I go to the Community Center for lunches now. It is very good! Mummy, Pamela and Wendy went to pictures. I stayed home. Phoned Charles about four times. At last got through about 11 o’clock. Boys kept joking and saying goodnight etc. Got Charles out of bed. They rang alarm etc. Rather jolly, sent kisses over phone.
Tuesday 27th January
Signed declaration to go to House of Commons, re. Winston Churchill! Freezing cold weather. Phoned Charles, he acted a bit jealous, spoke to Fannie. Went to dance. Charles was there. Met Bob, a 1st lieut, also saw captain and lieut. Saw Ally, also Don etc. Nearly all Canadians at dance. Phoned Bob, but he is supposed to have gone on a convoy.