Sun Jun 23
Had breakfast in bed! Did not do much in the morning. Feathers gave me piece of German plane.
Mon Jun 24
Went to flicks. Saw Otto Kreuger and Mary Maguire in “Black Eyesâ€. Also Jack Buchannan, Bruce Seton, Kathy Walsh in “Middle Watchâ€. Met Boys, nice. Saw Ken, few soldiers.
Tues Jun 25
Air Raid Warning in night. 3rd.  Lasted 2 hrs. Made Pamela pair knickers. Altered dress. Paul gave me bullet.
Wed Jun 26
Saw Flood, came to school on cross-bar. Had Raid warning, but did not have it.
Thurs Jun 27
Went to school.  Ball match, singles, won. Saw Bob, Patrick, Don etc., all said “Helloâ€. Had quite nice time!
Fri Jun 28
Had spelling and puzzles. Mary won. Saw lorries of soldiers. Mummy says can’t go to U.S.A.
Sat Jun29
Did washing and work. Meant to meet June to lake. Went to Auntie Jessie’s. Had cider. Saw Millie, and boys, badies. Went to top of hills. Had fish and chips by —–. Soldiers said “Hello sweetieâ€. Saw Boys and few others on way back. Saw Phyllis.
Sun Jun 30
Saw Roy with girl friend ride past. Had rides on Feather’s and Morris’ bikes. Also sat on motor bike. Girls had strawberries!
Mon July1
Went to flicks. Saw Tommy Founder in “Laugh it off†also “Trunk Caseâ€.  June met Eddie from Cranleigh College, we had cigarette. I got off with few boys.
Tues July 2
Told Renee about pen-pal. She was not annoyed! Mummie’s coming on Tuesday.
Wed July 3
Saw some soldiers, they all waved. I have a lift in the milk lorry every morning now.
Thurs July 4
Saw tons of tanks. There was a soldier in the lorry this morning. Boy! Was he nice! Mummy is staying in Bham.
Fri July 5
Did not get letter. Very disappointed. Had spelling bee. Our team won! Saw soldiers.
Sat July 6
Went to flicks.  Saw â€Just William†& â€Hell’s Cargo†with Walter Pigeon etc. Saw Feo, Ben, Joan, etc. Tons of soldiers.