Cynthia’s Diary – June 2 – 15, 1946


June, 1946

2 Sunday

Mummy had letter from Johnny.  Had present off Auntie Elsie Also off Mrs. Batchelor.  Went for papers.  A shortage of cigarettes in Cranleigh.  Did not go out.  Mrs. Ward came.

3 Monday

Had new instructions from Wives Bureau.  I leave Friday. And am now sailing on the Queen Mary.  Daddy went back.  I phoned Phyllis.

4 Tuesday

Went to Ewhurst to dancing class with Mummy and Wendy.  It was raining.  Glad to get home.

5 Wednesday

Did not go out.  Pamela and Mummy stayed home again.  Did sewing etc. Also ironing.  Daddy is meeting us in London on Friday.

6 Thursday

Did shopping.  Had tea at Hibbs with Mummy and Wendy.  Went fixed money at Bank.

Went to show.  Saw Son of Lassie.

7 Friday

Taxi called 12:30.  Caught 12:49 train to Guildford.  Caught 1:20 train Waterloo. Packed.  Stood all the way.  Met Daddy.  Phyllis.  She gave me present.  Had cup tea. Then had another at caf. Kissed them goodbye 4:30.  All cried.  Dozens children.

8 Saturday

Had coffee in caf.  Watched Victory Parade from Balcony.  Saw King, Queen and Princesses also Prime Minister and Winston Churchill.  Phoned Mummy had Whelks.  Wrote to Mummy and family.

9 Sunday

Went to tea with Phyllis.  Met her sister, brother etc.  Wrote to Mummy.  Phoned Mummy.  Left Hostel 10 o’clock.  Left Waterloo at 12. Arrived Southampton 1:30.  Gee the Queen Mary’s a big ship.  Wonderful food.  Had bath.

10 Monday

Saw film “Diamond Horseshoe”, Betty Grable, Dick Hayes.  Phoned Mummy in morning.  And afternoon, evening.  Said Goodbye to them all.  Had telegram from them.  Had bath.

11 Tuesday

Queen Mary left Southampton 9:30 a.m.  Took photo of coast and ship Nelson.  Went to show saw Rex Harrison in “Blyth Spirit”.  Had bath.  Did shopping.  Bought jumper, brassiere, etc.QMCynthia_0003

12 Wednesday

Was sea-sick, also the others.  Forced myself to eat.  Got cigarettes.  Also souvenirs.  Sat on deck and in lounge.  Had coke, apples, etc.

13 Thursday

Had hair shampooed and set in Beauty Salon.  The Right Honourable Mackenzie King who is on the boat, gave a speech!

MackenzieKing QMCynthia


14 FridayAutographMK

15 Saturday

Docked at Halifax in morning about 11 o’clock.  Went through immigration. Changed money.  Sent cables.  Spoke several times to Mackenzie King.  Took his photo.

A page from Cynthia’s autograph book

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