Cynthia’s Diary – Feburuary 1 – 2, 1942

Sunday 1st February

All went to Cranleigh Hotel.  All officers etc. there also film star.  Billie met some sergeant majors.  Everyone laughed and joked.  She talked with officers etc.  Did not go out in evening.  Children went to pictures.  Scotty came, Charles mad him jealous.  Gosh!  These boyfriends!!


Monday 2nd February

On way to have lunch, met Naughty Charles, had a little chat.  He’s been to Bournemouth for weekend.  He’s very nice.  Threw snowball at me!  Phoned Charles, but was not there, so spoke to Harold and Gordon.  Phoned again later, and spoke to one of the boys, also Charles, they were playing cards!  Am going to dance tomorrow.

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