Cynthia’s Diary – Apr 28, 1940

Sun Apr 28

Did not go to church, but went walks with Joan etc.  Saw Mrs. Brettell and Mr.

Mon Apr 29

We shall be going home soon and also to new billet, maybe.

Tues Apr 30

We go to our new billet tomorrow.  Have packed most of our things and boy have we got a lot of luggage!

Wed May 1, 1940

Went to new billet.  House over 600 years old.  Seems jolly nice.  Went in Mrs. Robertson’s car.

Thurs May 2

Boy is it a long way to school.  We went a ramble today.  Went to Cranleigh with Phyllis, got of with boys.

Fri May 3

A week today and we go home.  We stay to dinner at school now.

Sat May 4

Went to flicks.  Saw Carroll Levis and his discovers, also Jackie Cooper in News boys chorus ??  Seen it before.. …jolly good.

Sun May 5

It was hot today.  Went down village saw John, Bill.

Saw Luise and Mother, father, brother and friends at Gibbs Hatch.

Mon May 6

Went ramble.  Did not get home till  late, picked flowers, saw rabbit.  Went ride with June.  Got letter from Louise.

Tues May 7

Went to flicks with June.  Saw Roy, gave us cig.  June bought ices, lost my torch, road bikes, borrowed towel??

Wed May 8

June’s brothers are trying to find out who boy is.  June and I went ride saw Pests.  Stopped us.

Thurs May 9

Joan sprained Spikey’s wrist. ___     Had to stay home from work.  Gee we go home tomorrow.  Boy oh boy!

Friday May 10

Went to school in morning had afternoon off.  Went home.  Saw Auntie Pat, Pat and Wendy.  Got off with R.A.F fellow on train.  Took lots of blue-bells home

Sat May 11

Phyllis came round with her little sister.  Went to library, Saw tons of people I know on Friday morning and F. he waved and stopped car but drove on.  Threw cig out of window.

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