I did not go out much today, just saw a few friends. Pamela and I were left alone and had tea by ourselves.
Fri Apr 19
Team won. I got four words out of four right, had parcel off Mummy and letters. Went for Mrs. Newbury, but it teemed rain. Went to flicks with Joan, Pamela, Lois, Renee. Saw Robert Donat in Goodbye Mr. Chips. Also Our Gang in a crime doesn’t pay film. We went in village saw Ken, and Phyllis. Got home 7:15.
Mon Apr 22
Weazle hanging out. We wore our shorts in evening played with Luise,  osker  Had ride on Phylis’s bike.
Tues Apr 23
Nurse came to school to test our eyes. Towser killed one baby rabbit and brought one back alive. Very tiny about 2 days old. Teemed with rain…..Luise
Thurs Apr 25
Phyllis and I went walk, could not find friends …also Joan. Luise said I am her best friend  she missed me

Fri Apr 26
Were examined today. Our school one of healthiest. Played with Luise and twins and Joan. Picked primroses for her mother.  Vast Bridge. Had ride on bike.
Sat Apr 27
Went to the pictures, saw “Band Wagon†and : Code of the opsâ€Â We saw Luise, her brother and mother. Girl in film called Cynthia. Rabbit died this morning. Renee got German Measles.