Cat Quilts – Mr. Pinky’s Quilt

Mr. Pinky’s Quilt

We thought that Mr. Pinky, being an indoor cat, would appreciate a quilt that had green grass, flowers, bright colours and an outdoor theme.  Mr. Pinky would love to go outside but we are afraid he might head for the road, and try to go to his former home in the country.  Sometimes we take him out on a leash.  His quilt has a rectangle that is embroidered with a pink cat outline, sitting in the long grass, chasing a bug.  It has a pocket on the back for Catnip.

Back of Quilt

Candace and Sammi on Wolf Island

Sammi and Candace August 6th, 2011

New hand-spun, hand-woven scarves

This is a new series of homespun and hand-woven scarves that I am working on for an upcoming craft show, Autumn Treasures, November 18 – 20 at Trentwinds.    My work will be for sale along with other hand-made items at the Peterborough Hand-Spinners and Weavers Guild table; please come and check it out!

I spun the wool and dyed it with natural dyes such as Black Walnut, Onion Skins, Goldenrod and Queen Anne’s Lace before weaving it into these cozy scarves.

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Christmas 1954 at Nana Billie and Poppa Horace’s

Dowdall Girls
The Dowdall girls: Colleen, Wendy and Lynn

At Steph and Nik’s wedding

Sammi and Candace August 6th, 2011



Meow!  This kitten is adorable.


Cynthia’s Diary- 1 January 2007

Nana Impersonation – click to hear it

Cynthia did impressions of famous people when she was young, in England.  Over the years she would often entertain us with her impersonations.

I can recall a birthday party for my sister, Wendy, where RectoryCynWendy1939Mum performed for the  neighbourhood kids at the party.

